Thursday, January 24, 2008

Christmas Joy

Christmas was so fun this year because Shep is starting to "get it" and we had our new little bundle of joy (Marshall) to make the Christmas Holiday complete.

Shep loves to kiss his little brother. If you can see Shep has a horse ornament in his right hand. He actually broke this horse at the store, so we bought it...but, I must admit we were going to get it for him anyways. The tail broke off so Aram kept super glueing it back on but Shep kept on getting it off the tree and breaking it over and over again. So I decided it will be a tail-less horse to preserve the memory.
The chair Shep is sitting on is a true gift of love from his Daddy. We went shopping at Walmart at the beginning of December and Shep saw this chair and absolutly loved it. He lounged on it and wouldn't get off. There were other chairs there, like a spongebob and Dora chair but he wouldn't even give these chairs a chance, this kid knows 'class' when he sees it. It was way out of my price range for a little kid's chair, but we decided he could have some fun and sit on it, in the shopping cart while we strolled through Walmart. It was so cute how much Shep loved this chair, but I couldn't bring myself to spend his whole Christmas budget on a chair. But, a week before Christmas Aram said "Karri, I know what I want for Christmas...I want Shep to have the chair." So Aram went without this year so Shep could have his LZ-Boy. Don't worry Santa brang a really good stocking to Aram.

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