Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shopping Cart Woes

I went to TJ Maxx to get Aram a Father's Day gift and I left the store with a white shirt, a tickled funny bone, and a near heart-attack.

Shep likes to stand on the cart as I push it. I had just gotten in line and I looked down, and saw my son's very sweet innocent face peering straight up at me as he said "Stuck". As you can tell by the picture he got stuck in the bottom of the cart. I was so happy I had my camara on me.

As we were leaving I had a near heart attack. Marshall was in his car seat in the front part of the shopping cart. I hit a pole on the way out and the car seat went flying. I had Shep in one arm so I tried to catch the car seat with my other-an impossible feat. But, I knocked enough so it landed on the bottom instead of face down. Poor little Marshall. I seriously could not stop shaking for a half hour. You never can be too careful, I am so grateful he was ok.

1 comment:

RasmussenFamily said...

zoucI'm laughing my head off, but I know I shouldn't be. Those dumb carts, I remember I was at the dollar tree and went over the exit bump w/ blakely sort of standing, and she flew out and hit the floor. Please don't turn us in!!!