Friday, May 23, 2008


I can't believe how fast Marshall is changing. I feel almost anxious that he is changing so fast, and I can't enjoy all that's happening. It seriously all happened over night. I feel like he was just a newborn and I blinked and now he is a very active, happy, 6 month old who loves to eat, laugh, play, and roll over. I can't believe how fast it all happens. I need to just enjoy it more, and live in the moments. I heard a quote from Mother Teresa that captures the essence of motherhood; "In this life we cannot always do great things. But, we can do small things with great love." That is my new motto.


Andee said...

Man, that's gone by fast for me too. I love that quote. Can you come down Tuesday? maybe we could do a run after. Love ya!

Katie Torriente: said...

He's getting so big!! And so cute! Hope everything is going great. Love ya- Katie

Ammon and Tara said...

I agree with ya Kar. I just had a baby...well 8 months ago! I feel like he was just born though. It's sad how fast it goes by, I guess that's why we have more!

Mitchell Maddness said...

WOW!!! You have some pretty gorgeous little boys! I'm glad I found you guys!

The Mitchell family - aka - hermana welch's family

Ju and Tay said...

hey karri! cute blog. i am glad to catch up with you like this. looks like the boys are getting so big! sorry i couldn't make it to bear lake. i am glad you had such a great time though!
love always,